Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rib Cage Study

This is my rib cage study. I'll put the name of the art work up when I find out what it's called and who it's by. Below is a picture that I used and my images. What I can tell you about the work is that it's very religious with the human body coiling  like a serpent around the tree. This image provided good views to approach with the rib cage study. I'll make sure to put up the artistic information.



Sunday, September 21, 2008

What I've Learned about Gesture Drawing

Since this class had started I had Drawing 1 and 2 under my belt. We didn't do a lot of gesture or human form drawing so this was a new awakening for me when I started this class. When I started doing the in class gesture drawings I drew as if I knew what was there than actually focusing just on the model. Amy has really helped me grasp the most simple basic of these gesture drawings by just focusing on the spinal lines. It helped my get my proportions better. When you start to draw like that you really start to see what is really there. It's as simple as drawing a stick figure but you actually know what your drawing.

Our model has really made things challenging for us with some complicated poses where parts of body are hidden to you and the spine is curved differently but it makes for a better piece. I've also learned not to just draw with my palm to the paper like i'm drafting, but rather to step back and draw more loosely, I couldn't believe the difference it made in my drawings. I've also learned to draw more lightly on the longer drawings to start. Just get some light guide lines built up and than darken from there, and also to make the parts closest to you the darkest. This class has also taught me to relax when I draw. In my other drawing classes I was so unrelaxed that my drawings never really turned out as nice as I would've liked them to be. I always felt to pressured and this class has really taught me to just relax and draw what I see. Thus far this class has really opened my eyes to some new techniques and approaches to drawing, and I'm anxious to keep on moving into new areas and learning more.

Derek Hageness

Here's my latest 30 minute Gesture drawing.

What I've Learned about Gesture Drawing

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Recent Work

Below I'm showing a few of my own works that i've created. They may be some of my favorite works and some that I like. Because I don't have all of my files with me it's hard to get all of my favorites. I hope you like what you see..



My Metaphor Project Created in Design Theory & Methods
Constructed from wood

Photoshop of a Zebra mixed with a Rhino.
This was a tutorial I did back when I was in Digital Imagery.
More Work Soon....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Thank You for stopping at my Life Drawing blog page. I will blogging my activity in this class and provide feedback and information on projects that we do in this class.

Stay Tuned.
