Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Thank You for stopping at my Life Drawing blog page. I will blogging my activity in this class and provide feedback and information on projects that we do in this class.

Stay Tuned.



Jes said...

just one thing i noticed was that your gender is checked as female...?
my first impression of your work was that i love the colors. pastels seem to be in the lost range of the color wheel, and they are so light and appealing to the eye. good choice! also i love the crispness of the image. it is obviously of poster quality and i think it is very successful. This work is also very effective in carrying my eye throughout the entire work with the rays of the light, the sketchy quality on the bottles, and again at the top of the bottle with that spike figure.
so, bring on the drawings!

Onewithaduck said...

Looks great! I personally love to use darker color palette, sorry Jes, but I think the pastel-like colors work very well on this art piece. Great job! However I do not enjoy the simplicity, I think you could make the imagery more complicated and more interesting without compromising the point of getting the information across. I know that multimedia is your major, but I have seen your metals work, and this poster so I would love if you could upload some of your 2-D hand drawings. Great job!